For detecting a collision of a marble with an other Object (the yellow box) I use the trace command. By creating (green) Vectors from the middle of the sphere, I must trace all vectors and find the collision point (or not). If this point is inside the sphere, I add the part of the red Vector which is inside the yellow box to the speed vector of the marble.
In the real scene I use 10 times more collision vectors than in this demo.
#macro collision (pos,s,sp,rot,rot_inc obj)
#declare xi=0;
#while (xi<360)
#declare yi=0;
#while (yi<180)
#declare Hit_Normal = <0,0,0>;
#declare ve = <0,0,1>;
#declare ve =vrotate (ve, <xi,yi,0>);
#declare treffer = trace (obj,pos,ve,Hit_Normal);
#if (vlength( Hit_Normal) !=0)
#if( vlength(pos - treffer)< s)
#declare pos= pos + Hit_Normal*(s-vlength(pos - treffer));
#declare sp = sp + Hit_Normal*((s*1.016)-vlength(pos - treffer));
#end#end#declare yi = yi +60.0;