Marble machine making of 1

The Marbles

All the marbles are coded like in the source below and at the end collected in an array like

#declare bubble_glass_spiral1_ball= 
        sphere {0,1}      
        #for (i,1,70)
            sphere {0,1 scale (rand(seee)*0.04+0.01) translate y*(0.3+0.5*rand(seee)) rotate <rand(seee)*360,0,rand(seee)*360>}
                blob { threshold  0.1
                    #for (i,-0.9,0.9,0.01)
                        sphere {0,1, 0.2 scale <sin(((i+1)*pi/2))*0.8,0.1,0.08> translate y*(i) rotate <0,i*150,0>}
                texture {pigment{color Red }
                         finish {diffuse 0.9 phong 0.8}
                blob { threshold  0.1
                    #for (i,-0.9,0.9,0.01)
                        sphere {0,1, 0.2 scale <sin(((i+1)*pi/2))*0.8,0.1,0.08> translate y*(i) rotate <0,90+i*150,0>}
                texture {pigment{color Blue }
                         finish {diffuse 0.9 phong 0.8}
        { Glass}     
    interior{ ior 1.5
                caustics 0.25
              } // Ende der Interior-Beschreibung 
#declare marbles[0]=balls2_ball;
#declare marbles[1]=balls_ball;
#declare marbles[2]=bubble_glass_ball;
#declare marbles[3]=ring_ding_ball;
#declare marbles[4]=star_ball;
#declare marbles[5]=silver_hole_ball;

The yellow sphere is a light_source.
… the galaxy does not look good, if scaling very big 🙁
The red escher sphere is my favorite